Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Things I will NOT miss about my last job:

-Pee on the floor and all over the toilet seat. Yes, 4 adult men had crappy aim and couldn’t keep 1 bathroom clean for the one female.

-The boss farting either right next to me, near me or within earshot and then yelling “Come In!” or “Where’s the German Shepherd” (No, I am not being dramatic)

-The director sleeping at his desk all day, then yelling that he has too much work to do.

-The manager talking shit about the boss then turns into his best friend when he’s in the office or on the phone. (“What’s goin’ downnnnnnnnn dude?”)

-The boss wearing undershirts, Adidas tear-away pants and Crocs to work everyday.

-The boss always having his hands down his above stated pants, even in front of clients

-The boss picking his nose all the time

-Me having to be there early to answer the phone for the director because his creative “genius” couldn’t be interrupted (ie: so he could sleep more)

-The endless amount of Neiman Marcus, J Crew, hockey stuff and “As Seen on TV” packages that I had to sign for knowing that my pay, bonus and overtime had been cut

There is much MUCH more that I could add but some stuff isn’t worth it…what is worth adding is that I met my future husband there.

I guess sometimes even in the worst situations the best things can be found. For those of you have listened to me vent over the past year about all this, thank you and I finally took your advice to blog about it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry, I'm still not over the German Shepherd joke. Somehow that is worse than the hand-in-the-pants.

    I'm happy for you!
