Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Party Like It's 2010!

Oh my, where has the time gone?! As we wind down 2009, I figured I’d get back on track with the blog. Sorry for my absence, it’s been a busy month! This year has been, to say the least, interesting. I’ve done so many wonderful things, but to be honest, I can’t wait to start 2010. I don’t really ever have resolutions for New Years, BUT I am an extremely motived individual. I do anything I put my mind to so for this purpose I call them “goals”. Here are a few goals I have for the coming year…

First and foremost, I WILL be finding a new job. I’ve had a few things on that front lately but not really sure how they’ll pan out. For the first time, I actually believe that I shouldn’t take the first thing that comes up. It’s time I stop settling and find a job where I am truly respected. I know not everyone loves their job, but I’d like to at least like it and feel like I’m not just some monkey pressing buttons on a computer. (yes, my current boss thinks anyone can do our job and tells us all the time).

Another goal of mine is to put more time into my Artfire/Etsy shops. Granted they’re almost the same but I’d like to do a little more self promo. I’m still pretty new at it, so I think I need to do some more research. Also, I’m going to be starting a kid’s line of feather stuffs (fueled by encouragement from the Woodsman’s sisters). For Christmas, I made the Woodsman’s nieces feather headbands and hairclips and his nephew a leather and feather necklace. It seriously went over SO much better than I thought it would…

Which brings me to my last goal and I think it will be hardest. I need to work on the confidence area. I’m finally realizing that I really lack it, and I shouldn’t. So no more job doubts, or doubt in my talents (whether it be at work, cooking a meal or my crafting). I’ve had a lot of positive encouragement from everywhere lately, it’s time I just start to listen to it!

Now that I’ve rambled and exposed a part of myself that I try to hide, what about you? Do you have any goals for the coming year? Not that you have to tell me, but I always like to talk about anything. Lastly, I’d like to thank all of you, my readers, family and friends. Knowing that people actually give a crap about what I have to say/write means so much to me. There’s a lot of good things on the horizon. Happy 2010, cheers to the New Year!

1 comment:

  1. I understand about your confidence goal - it's one of my goals as well. I've received a lot of encouragement as well - and it's important to believe it and trust your instincts. And with that, I wish you a Happy New Year as well! :) I'm sure 2010 will bring many good things to both of us. :) Theresa
